Advancing Cypriot Archaeobotany: from the Bronze Age to the Roman Period
Until recently the archaeobotany of Cyprus has focused mainly on the Neolithic period, investigating the domestication and diffusion of species in the East Mediterranean. My employment and residency in Cyprus have changed this situation as the focal point of research is now on the Bronze Age economies and beyond. Being the only archaeobotanist employed by an academic institution in Cyprus, I have been involved in multiple projects of foreign universities working in Cyprus but also with the projects undertaken by the Department of Antiquities. This has a great impact on a scientific level as periods of Cypriot archaeobotany now are being explored while the visibility of STARC increases in the region.
Relevant Publications
McCarthy, A. and Margaritis, E. (eds.). forthcoming. Environment, landscape and society: diachronic perspectives on settlement patterns Cyprus, CAARI Monograph Series.
Henkel, C. and E. Margaritis. The Plant Remains at Alambra: The Everyday of a Middle Bronze Age Site in Cyprus. In A. Sneddon (ed.), The site of Alambra, SIMA. Submitted
Scirè Calabrisotto, E. Margaritis, E., Mari Yamasaki, Bombardieri, L., forthcoming, Drifting Down the Big Still River. Erimi Laonin tou Porakou in Its Ecological Context During the Middle Bronze Age, in Environment, landscape and society: diachronic perspectives on settlement patterns Cyprus, McCarthy, A. and Margaritis, E. (eds), CAARI Monograph Series.
Margaritis, E. 2019. Plants and society in Neolithic Kantou-Koufovounos, Cyprus, in: The excavation at the Neolithic site of Kantou-Koufovounos in Cyprus, Volume 2, Mantzourani, E and Voskos, I. (eds) National and Kapodistrian University Press, 373-392.